

Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 16 of 30- Coconut ginger curry chicken

We are now past the half way point.  I am really proud of myself and my partner in crime D for making it this far.  We caught mistakes early and fixed them, changed the way we ate, the way we lived, and the way we approached the challenge.  I think after two and a half weeks of doing this, it is a lifestyle that suits all walks of life.  It takes effort, and a lot of discipline, but like i said at the start of the challenge, it's only 30 days.  what you do after the 30 days is up to you.  but I'm glad I gave it a shot.

Tomorrow is going to be an inversion workshop at the yoga studio. I'm really excited.  Inversions are basically any time your legs are above your heart.  headstands, handstands, legs up the wall.  you name it. Maybe i'll walk away comfortable enough to try this:

yeah right.  i wish.  haha
It's different being upside down.  the world is strange and your breath is strange, and all the blood rushes to your head and your brain feels strange.  But the fear is just in my head.  Here's to tomorrow.

Something that I recently realized was that i haven't been utilizing is the awesomeness of making my own salad dressings.  I've been too lazy to make any dressing besides splashing some oil and vinegar on my salad.  But i decided to make a whole seed mustard mayo dressing with some apricot vinegar and it is fantastic over a bed of lettuces, egg, tomatoes, SPROUTS (my new favorite salad addition!!!), grapes, you name it.  throw it in your salad, drizzle some of this creamier dressing on it, and man.  you'll never miss ranch again.  

Tonight's recipe is kind of a fun one.  Today I was largely meat free, enjoying a small piece of chicken today for dinner.  Every so often, my body gets tired of these meats so a day without meat is a very welcome treat. 

Coconut Ginger curry chicken


Chicken (leftover curry marinated chicken worked fantastically)
1T ginger, chopped
2 cloves garlic
carrots sliced into coins
mushrooms (i used dried shiitake mushrooms)
coconut milk

1.  Cook the chicken or warm up a precooked chicken in a skillet.  If you are cooking the chicken in the skillet, make sure the chicken is pretty much finished cooking before you add the other ingredients.

2.  Pour in some coconut milk and a splash of broth if you have it, water is fine if you don't, and throw in the garlic, ginger, and carrots.  Let simmer in coconut milk, addingmore water ifyou want it to be a little more runny

3.  When the carrots are just undercooked, throw in a handful of the dried mushrooms and continue cooking until they are rehydrated and softened.

I served this up with some sauteed green beans using some of the fat that came off the chicken, ends trimmed, tossed with ginger.   I really miss the flavors of sesame oil and soy sauce because the salt i added to the beans weren't quite exactly the same.  either way, it was fantastically delicious.  The mushrooms just soaked up the sweet coconutty flavor and the chicken was tender and delicious.  I don't generally like cooked carrots, but hey, I tricked myself into eating ALL of my carrots!  wooo!

the weird mass on the bottom right is the chicken.
So yummy.  Tomorrow for breakfast, I decided to try making chorizo and chard boats with avocado, baking an egg in the middle of the avocado.  yum?  or yuck?  we shall find out soon!  I'm really excited to be using my new mini round cast iron servers! 

til next time, EAT WELL and BE WELL!!!

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